103. Who do you say no to?

Published on 20 September 2024 at 13:19

How often have you told your parents, "no"? How often do you tell your boss, "no"? 

   Now- how often do you tell the Lord of the Universe, the one who decides your eternity! Your final judge! "No"?

When did our only "fear" become "fleshly" fear? What I mean by that is- earthly fear. We fear losing our jobs- so we say "yes" to our bosses for every request. We fear being punished by our parents, so we say "yes"! We fear what people may think of us- so we roll with the punches and try to fit in. Saying "yes" along the way, hoping and praying for acceptance.  And then we freely tell our Lord and Savior- NO - all the time.

    How many times has God told you to fast? I can feel people gasping at the simple utterance of fasting! But what are your first initial thoughts when you hear that word? Feelings on the matter? Has God ever placed the urge to fast on your heart? Did you immediately say, "Oh No! Nope! Not me! Not going to do it! Don't even think I am going to do it! The answer is No!"

   Hang on! Did you know that there are different kinds of fasts? I think people instantly thing of 40 days and 40 nights- no food, minimal water- torture. Well at least that used to be my first thought when I heard the word! But God can call us to "Fast" different things! Maybe our desire to "binge" watch tv has slowly become more important in your life than seeking God! You feel the Holy Spirit tell you gently a few times to turn it off. To go spend time outside! Maybe go for a walk and enjoy what He created! Have a conversation with Him! Sit under a tree and read your Bible! 

 Do you ignore that gentle nudge? Do you say- no? What if He told you to get rid of your tv all together? Do you then back track and say you will turn it off? 

    What about social media? Could you delete your Tictok? Instagram? Facebook? Even for a little bit? 

If panic just set in on the simple thought of that... You need to seek God about it! You need to reprioritize!

   What do you do when you do say "yes"? Find something else to fill that time? Or do you seek the Lord in your now free time? It is important that we fill that free time with God! Through prayer! Reading your Bible! Worshipping God! That is what He is calling us to do! Make Him a priority! Spend more time with Him!

    Matthew 6:16-18 says, "And when you fast, don't make it obvious, as the hypocrites do, for they try to look miserable and disheveled so people will admire them for their fasting. I tell you the truth, that is the only reward they will ever get. 17. But when you fast, comb your hair and wash your face. 18. Then no one will notice that you are fasting, except your Father, who sees everything, will reward you."

   Keep your fast between you and God! Take time to listen to Him! To learn from Him! And grow in your relationship! Whether its 3 days, or 40! Trust Him!

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5 months ago
