92. Good Friday

Published on 29 March 2024 at 08:38

It is Good Friday! Today is the day that God our Father chose as the day that His one and only Son would die to save every soul from the pits of hell, from then until He returns! Today is the day that as Jesus breathed His last breath, that your face crossed His mind as He said, "Father forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing!" Luke 23:34. He may have died for millions of people! But your name was on that list! My name was on that list!

   Folks, that is way more impressive than you hoping that you made Santa's "Good list" when you were a kid! This is the King of kings! The Lord of lords! Majesty! Our Victorious! YOU AND I ARE ON HIS LIST! I don't know about you, but that is the only list that I am concerned about! 

   As Jesus was beaten and whipped, He never said one word. He didn't fight back. He didn't cry out His innocence. He didn't cry out for help! He stood there taking every lashing with that lead tip whip. Knowing that He was to be completely stripped down and broken. To cover every sin that I commit, and to take your place for every sin that you commit! His beating had to be thorough. He knew that is He able to stop them, then it wouldn't be complete, and we would have no redemption! We would have no salvation! 

    The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, is the same God that is the God of ME! And the God of YOU!

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Judith A Roberson
10 months ago
