88. When do you ask for help?

Published on 20 February 2024 at 10:48

 Do you seek the Lord in "good times"? Even when you feel like you "don't" need Him? Do you praise Him and thank Him for the calms within your storms? Or are you like some many, that quickly forget what God does for you? Living your life like you don't need Him, acting like you save yourself, and He has never intervened for you. Do you wait until your situation is no longer bearable once again to cry out for help? Do you wait until anger boils up with in you, and you scream at God, "How you could you let this happen!" Do you only acknowledge God when you have nowhere else to turn?

    Lamentations 3:25 says, "The Lord is good to those who depend on Him, to those who search for Him."  This verse gave me a vision of people walking through city streets, and people were throwing rocks at them. They just keep walking and walking and getting hit with rocks. Eventually they were crawling because of the pain, and laying down, rocking in pain. With the rocks continuing to pile on them.  Their stubbornness and pride kept them from asking for help. They thought they could get through it on their own.  It isn't until people can no longer move, that they cry out, "LORD HELP ME!" 

    My question to you is this. why do you expect a response? You have ignored Him; you have put yourself on a pedestal. You have denied His help. All this time you have been so self-absorbed to even think about crying out to the King of kings, what is it that you are expecting to happen right now.  Some people even have the audacity to be angry with Him. 

    Lamentations 3:55-58 says, "But I called your name, Lord, from the deep within the pit. 56. You heard me when I cried, 'Listen to my pleading! Hear my cry for help!' 57. Yes, you came when I called: you told me, 'do not fear.' 58. Lord, you have come to my defense; you have now redeemed my life."

  Now don't you think, that when the first stone was thrown, that would be a good time to call out to God? Let God fight your battles! He always gets the victory! Be the one that God calls on the help an elderly woman who is being mugged! Be the person that God calls on to stop a bully from hurting another kid. Don't be the one that ignores these things.  Don't be selfish and say that it doesn't affect you. Be the first to cry out to God! Be the first praise God! Put your pride aside and let God walk with you!


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