83. Truth??

Published on 5 January 2024 at 11:06

  How good are you at twisting a narrative? Or twisting the truth just a bit... its still the truth! Just missing some key details!? We all do it! Especially when we are in trouble! Or when we get into a fight with someone, and you are looking for others to take your side... we usually state exactly what happened, and exactly what was said! But when we change the tone, and the attitude! Then we are changing and twisting what actually happened! It helps others pick sides in a fight! Fact is- both sides can be telling the truth 100%! But also changing the delivery 100%. So, is it then a lie? A half-truth? Or still truth? 

   This is the tangle so many find themselves in. Not only on a personal level, but in leadership, teaching and all the way up to trials and laws. If you're on trial for murder, for defending yourself, how would you fight that? If the intruder lived, but had serious injuries and was coming after you. The fight and the argument may be the same! But they would sound totally different. 

    Lets take this verse, 2 Corinthians 6:18, "And I will be your Father, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty."

   Now. Taking this stand-alone verse, how many ways can you twist without changing it, to make it sound different than it actually is?? Do you know how much stuff you could come up with that sounds true!?! I do! I did for a very long time!! It would start like this... "I was created by God! He is my Father! I am the daughter of the King! No matter what I say or do or don't do, my Father will always accept me! Because that's what daddy's do! They love their baby girls no matter what!" 

   Sounds good! Doesn't it!? Doesn't make it true! It just makes it sound good!

 And then I would take it a step further! "If we are all created by God for God, then all of us are His sons and daughters. Which means no matter what ANY of us do, our Father will bail us out and have our backs!"

 Sounds good!?! Doesn't make it true! It just makes it sound good!

  A little further, "If God is truly this loving, merciful, mighty, grace giving Father that loves us beyond description! Then there is no way that He would or could ever send any of us to hell!"

 Sound good! Doesn't it!? Still doesn't make it true!! 

 The just to top it off, "So if all the is true and good, then what would be the point of hell? Then that means, hell doesn't even exist."

Just because it sounds good... DOES NOT MAKE IT TRUE! There are so many people that need to learn this simple fact! They are destroying themselves on things that "sound good" Making them their "own truths". 

    1 John 3:10, "So now we can tell who are children of God and who are children of the devil. Anyone who does not live righteously and does not love other believers does not belong to God."


Folks, when I was spewing all that good sounding made up garbage, and speaking it as truth---

I DID NOT BELONG TO GOD. I sure thought I did! I let the devil tell me all these lies as truth! I let him spin things differently with different tones and different attitudes to make my perception just a little different, which then opens a door or a path down many more lies and deception, that just sound oh so good!

  Jesus said "I am the way the truth and the life. Now one can come to the Father except through me. If you had really know me, you would know who my Father is. From now on, you do know Him and have seen Him!"

   Are you living in a fairytale of who you think the Father is? Do you just talk about Him like He is a character in a book? Or have you met Him? DO you know Him on a personal level? DOES HE KNOW YOUR NAME? 

  Are you still a child of the devil, blissfully ignoring the truth, and believing twisted crooked truths?!

It's time to introduce yourself to Jesus, and get to know Him!


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