80. How do you speak?

Published on 12 December 2023 at 11:31

   I keep coming back to this, so buckle up! 

1 Samuel 2:3-8 says, "Stop acting so proud and haughty! Don't speak with such arrogance! For the Lord is a God who know you have done; He will judge your actions. 4. The bow of the mighty is now broken, and those who stumbled are now strong. 5. Those who were well fed are now starving, and those who were starving are now full. The childless woman now has seven children, and the woman with many children waste away. 6. The Lord gives both death and life; He brings some down to the grave but raises others up. 7. The Lord makes some poor and others rich; He brings some down and others up. 8. He lifts the poor from the dust and the needy from the garbage dump. He sets them among princes, placing them in seats of honor. For all the earth is the Lord's, and He has set the world in order."

      This message is one of those, that makes me want to be the loudest in the room. To scream in the faces of people that just don't get it. And at the same time, I don't understand them! I don't understand how people can be so cruel to other people. When you suggest or ask how they would feel if someone spoke to them that way, they laugh at the thought of ever being in that situation.  This verse is a good reminder, that God can flip our lives over within a moment.  

   It's time to see people differently. What if you were walking down the road and met a houseless person. When you looked into their eyes, you realize that this person is your mother. What do you do? Kick her while she is down? Spit on her? Laugh at her? I mean that is what other people are doing to her. What makes you any different? Now what makes the houseless person next to her any different? Do you get to still kick them? Spit on them? Laugh at them? Why not? They are nobody to you?? But they might be someone else's somebody! In fact, every single person breathing right now, is someone's somebody! 

     It's time to stop! It's time to set your pride aside! It's time to tame your tongue! Your arrogance on your final judgement day, may just be your biggest downfall. I want you to stop and think for a few minutes, right now, about what you could possibly say to God Almighty when He asks you "Why were you so mean??", "Why did you target certain people? Why did you create havoc on their lives, when you knew they were already at their lowest??" 

      If you can honestly say that you have a response that makes sense in your mind, then I would implore to get on your face and seek the Lord! Ask Him to change your heart! 

    For those of you that understand the magnitude of those questions, I want to ask you this, is the hate that you are spreading, worth your separation with Christ? Is the hate you are spreading worth an eternity of burning in a pit of airless sulfur? 

   God created EVERYONE!!! Every person! Of every color! Of every shape! of every size! There is room in each of our hearts, minds and lives to love and support someone that needs to be lifted up. 

    James 1: 19&20 says, "Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: you must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry. 20 Human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires."

   So I urge you all to bite your tongues before speaking. I urge you to talk to God before you open your mouths! I urge you to ask the Holy Spirit to guide your conversations. Those people that are starving! Are God's children! Those people that don't speak as properly as you do! Are God's children! Those people with clothes that are not as nice as yours! Are God's children! You that are well fed, and mocking the that are not, just remember that the tables can be turned at any time. 

    Walk hand in hand with Jesus! Follow His lead! 1 Samuel 2:9 says, "He will protect His faithful ones, but the wicked will disappear in darkness. No one will succeed by strength alone."

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