78. In that moment

Published on 16 November 2023 at 14:58

    That moment. That one moment when you find out that someone you loved and trusted, turns out to be someone else. Someone you have shared life with. Maybe a spouse. A best friend that you have had since kindergarten.  A parent. A sibling. That moment when they stab you right in the back. You can literally feel your heart falling out of you. You feel like it isn't real. You don't want it to be real! Because if that person is capable of doing that to you, then what about ALL the other people in your life? Who can you trust!! Especially now that the one you trusted the most was capable of doing that! What do you do? Who do you turn to?

    I know I always start with tears! One loud obnoxious crying session, a pity party. I kick myself for being so naive. For not guarding my heart! For being vulnerable! For putting trust is someone. Especially when that is what they use as their form of attack. 

     Let me tell you! The enemy is ALWAYS sure to sweep in during these moments of turmoil! He is always sure to feed into all those thoughts of doubt and non-assurances. The enemy delights in division and chaos, and always steps in during these moments to make it messier and more chaotic! So what do we do? 

     PRAY! Start with prayer! That the enemy will have no authority over you or your mind! Pray that your heart does not change in your other relationships! Pray that the Holy Spirit will guide you both in reconciliation. PRAY! Then seek God's word! Read Psalms for comfort! Read Proverbs for wisdom! Seek your God through prayer to protect your heart! Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you, anything that you may need to repent of over the situation, to reveal if there is anything that you need to apologize for to the other person! What was your role in the situation? Don't be afraid to own your own mistakes! This is where we learn how to be better! Proverbs 28:13 says, "People who conceal their sins will not prosper, but if they confess and turn from them, they will receive mercy." Matthew 5:23&24 says, "So if you are presenting a sacrifice at the alter in the temple and you suddenly remember that someone has something against you, 24. Leave you sacrifice there at the alter.  Go and be reconciled to that person. Then come and offer your sacrifice to God."

    Do your part- own your part! The other person may not be ready or willing, give them grace and time. 

   During your discussions- always say what you mean and mean what you say. Do no say things just to appease the other- or to end the conversation. If you need more time, then say that. Matthews 5: 37 says, "Just say a simple, "YES", "I WILL", or "NO I WONT". Anything beyond this is from the evil one." 

   Some people are in your life for a lifetime. Some people are only here for a season. If this is the end of the season for that relationship, take a moment to mourn. But then ensure to get back up, and continue to love everyone around you as you once had. 

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