77. How can you be reached?

Published on 10 November 2023 at 10:36

Things are changing every day! Everything is now available at our fingertips! With the internet and smart phone being capable of connecting at any moment. We can search and Google anything and everything! The day of going out to the driveway to pick up the newspaper are over. That trusty paper that told all of the local news, and shared all the events that were about to come up! Now what? We don't have anything to give us those helpful suggestions! We go searching on our own, and type in key words that would fit our likes and interests, and a world of possibilities show up! From the world. 

           So how do we get the word out there... that people desperately need the Word!?! How do we shout it from the mountain tops? And throughout our community! We could by all means, literally run down the streets screaming "God loves you!" "Jesus saved my life! Let Him save yours!" But it wouldn't be long before the police showed up, and said we were disturbing people. And there is plenty of things that can be placed online, but unless people are searching for it, they will not find it.   

    John 14:17 says, "He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth. The world cannot receive Him, because it isn't looking for Him and doesn't recognize Him. But you know Him, because He lives with you now and later will be in you."

   That is why Mark 16:15 says, "Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone."

If people don't know what or who to look for, it is our job, our duty! To show them! 

   I am surrounded by ideas; my head is full of them. The people that I surround myself with, their minds are full of ideas! But there are stumbling blocks. 1. Money- God always provides! If He is in it, and approves of it, the money will show up. It always does. 2. People aren't listening. They have tuned out God, and all forms of communication of God. 

   We need new platform ideas. As everything else is changing. The Word of God will never change. But the way it is delivered must change. 

  It is disheartening that if someone wanted a gun, they could go get one. If someone wants drugs of any fashion, they could easily get them! A baby! You may be put on a weight list, but eventually your number will be called! But to find the lifesaving truth of Jesus Christ! You have to shuffle through false doctrine, other people's thoughts and disbeliefs. You cannot just land on one central truth! One central truth is Jesus died on the cross for each one of us and rose again 3 days later. At the very least, that should be the first thing to find.

   So how do we make Sunday mornings more enticing than Saturday night parties? How do we turn Friday night worship into something as exciting as going to a Beyonce concert? Jesus literally died for us!! Why are people not living like someone died for them! He is the way the truth and the life to an eternity of amazing wonder! And people are still more consumed with their wants and desires within themselves.

  Where do we go from here?

How do we reach hearts?

Save lives?

Jesus is calling! 

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