41. The 3rd Commandment

Published on 3 May 2023 at 13:18

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     The 3rd Commandment. This particular Commandment, for whatever reason... drives me the maddest. I think there are a lot of factors for that, and maybe it's simply because people don't hide it. So many people do not care about the words that escape their lips. Some people don't even understand the words they speak, and how harmful they actually are! Not just to that person, but also to the people that have to hear them in your presence. Maybe it is because my parents drilled this into my head at a very early age...

      Exodus 20:7 says, "You must not misuse the name the of the Lord your God. The Lord will not let you go unpunished if you misuse His name."

    So, growing up- I was not allowed to speak the names of God, or the Lord, or say Jesus Christ, unless I was praying or asking a question related to the bible. In my home- using the Lord's name in vain, was worse than saying a swear word. (Which was also... not allowed.) As a child I did not understand it, but I also didn't want a spanking for speaking it! As I grew older, I started hearing other people saying things like, "oh my god" and "Jesus Christ", it would pierce my heart in a way that I didn't comprehend. When I asked my parents why people spoke that way! I asked if they were really calling out to God! I thought maybe we had it wrong?!! But I was told that they were not taught to respect God as they taught me, and to use God's name in that fashion was not honoring to God. 

    So as a young child, with a huge heart for God, I started to correcting people when I heard them speak God's name in such a horrendous way! I would tell that they were being disrespectful! Some people listened and stopped. Some people told me to leave them alone.  That's when I learned that not everyone believes the way I do, and some don't even have the same beliefs as I do- this broke my giant tiny heart.

     And then!! To my DISMAY!!! The abbreviation of OMG came out and gained so much ground. It's on t-shirts and socks for crying out loud!! Do you know why that is?? That slimy little devil made it just so cute.  Knowing that even looking at the letters together, would cause everyone to sin. Because whether or not you liked it, every time you see those letters- OMG - You know that it stands for "OH MY GOD" - even saying it in your mind. It has caused you to use the Lord name in vain. How clever. 

    It hurt me, every time I saw it on a t-shirt, across someone's booty, on socks- everywhere! I heard so many people make excuses for using it. Like- they are just letters! It's the same as saying you're shocked at something! Ummmmm...---- NOPE!!!! You my friend are listening and believing lies of that slimy little man. To simplify it! To make it harmless!! That's what he does! That's how he sets his traps!! The same as God will always be faithful!!! The devil will always be a liar. 

   And just the same as LOL means- Laugh out loud. And TTYL means- Talk to you later! OMG will always mean Oh my God! And unless you are actually seeking the Lord and crying out for Him!! You should not be using that abbreviation! For ANYTHING!!

     God loves us unconditionally! Even when we do really dumb things and make Him mad. He would never take our names and curse them. So why is it so popular to use God's name as a curse word?  Or to add God's name onto other curse words. I don't understand it. 

      I have had plenty of people in my life, stomp all over my name. They would say some of the nastiest things about me. And the whole time claiming to be a true friend or a loving family member. Maybe this fuels my passion for this specific Commandment. I can only imagine how God feels, hearing people- His people using His name in such a way, but still pledging their love for Him!! Folks, you're not even stabbing Him in the back, like it would be to a human! Because He can hear every word you speak! You are literally slapping Him in the face every time you speak His name as a curse.

   We do enough dumb things- and yet He protect us and forgives us!! We in no way deserve His grace! Please think before you speak!! Stop stomping on the name of our Lord and Savior when you speak!!!

Until next time:

Number 6:24-26

24. May the Lord bless you and protect you!

25. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you!

26. May the Lord show you His favor and give you HIs peace. 

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